How to Control Pain with CBD Oil

Cannabidiol is one of the most common chemical compounds found in the resinous glands (trichomes) of the female cannabis plant. These chemical compounds are known as cannabinoids, or substrates that bind to special receptors on your cells. These cell receptors constitute a broader endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoid system is a vast network of cellular receptor proteins with many functions. Some receptors are highly concentrated in the central nervous system. But, others are found throughout the body. They are in your skin, the digestive tract, and even in your reproductive organs.
Cannabis products
Used in the treatment of multiple pains. Although opiates, such as morphine and tramadol, are more powerful painkillers, in some cases cannabis and Dronabinol are more effective. However, it should be added that their therapeutic effect remains relatively unpredictable. This means that it is often not known why Dronabinol has a therapeutic effect in one patient and not in another. I can also personally testify to several cases of patients with fibro-myalgia, some of whom have benefited from the therapeutic effect of cannabis, while others have not.
In 2001, the German Association for Cannabis Medical conducted a survey among its members. It has shown that cannabis derivatives and Dronabinol have been used successfully in the treatment of the following diseases (Grotenhermen, 2003):

- Osteoarthritis / arthritis
- herniated disc
- fibromyalgia
- sensitivity to chemical aggressors (MCS multiple chemical sensitivity)
- painful periods
- migraine and other headaches
- muscle weakening (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease)
- neuralgia
- neurofibromatosis
- Brachial plexus injury
- postsozerian pain
- thalamic pain
- hiatal hernia
- lumbago
Of the survey participants, almost one in four use cannabis as part of a pain treatment. In the United States, similar surveys of several thousand cannabis users have shown that the treatment of chronic pain is one of the leading causes of medical use of cannabis (Gieringer, 2001).
The science behind CBD
THC specifically binds to the cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors in your cells. CBD does not bind to these receptors very well. He prefers to do something a little different.
This is where things get complicated. The researchers have discovered some ways that CBD interacts with the body, but this area of research is still quite young. New discoveries are made each year.
Here is a simple summary of what we currently know about CBD. The cannabinoid activates receptors such as the vanilloid, adenosine and serotonin receptors.
- Vanilloid receptors help mediate pain signals in the body
- Adenosine receptors help determine your sleep-wake cycle.
- Caffeine blocks adenosine and creates a sense of alertness
- Serotonin receptors help control mood
CBD also regulates the endocannabinoids that occur naturally in your body. It blocks a particular fatty acid known as fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH). This enzyme that is responsible for breaking down the natural endocannabinoid anandamide in your body. Anandamide helps regulate basic functions like pleasure and reward, appetite, ovulation, memory, sleep and pain. With nothing to break anandamide into small parts, CBD increases the amount of this chemical in your system.
But that’s not all. Cannabidiol has been shown to engage with receptors that help modulate body temperature and immune function, reducing inflammation. So, he does a lot of different things.
The use of cannabis as a treatment for musclo-skeletal pain in western medicine dates to the 1700s. CBD oil one of the non-psychoactive components of cannabis has shown lots of improvement in the treatment of arthritis, medicinal qualities of CBD oil, it’s also known as cannabidiol plays a role in immune system modulation, which naturally makes it helpful for an autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis
Researchers think that CBD interacts with receptors in your brain and immune system. Receptors are tiny proteins attached to your cells that receive chemical signals from different stimuli and help your cells respond. This creates anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects that help with pain management. This means that CBD oil may benefit people with chronic pain, such as chronic back pain.
Further research still needs to continue being conducted, in order for the general public to become greater aware of its healing abilities.
E-liquids enriched with CBD are only for use in an electronic cigarette and should not be ingested. Do not vapourize CBD if you have never smoked. The vaporization of CBD allows beneficial effects such as relaxation, appeasement and are an interesting alternative for people who want to quit smoking for example. In contrast, for a so-called therapeutic action prefer extraction in the form of oil.